About FXBVillage

The FXBVillage methodology is a community-based, sustainable approach to overcoming extreme poverty. Each FXBVillage supports 80-100 families, comprising approximately 500 individuals, mostly children. Over a three-year period, the organisation provides communities with necessary life skills in the hope that they will become physically, financially and socially independent. FXBIS provides grants for income generating activities, forgoing the conventional use of micro-credit for the extreme poor.

In the first year of the programme, FXBIS provides 100 percent of the funding for the income generating activities and basic human needs. In the second year, FXBIS provides 75 percent of the funding while the programme participants cover the remaining 25 percent. In the third year, FXBIS and the programme participant, each cover 50 percent of the funding, and by the end of the three-year program, participants are physically, financially and socially independent.

Over the course of the programme, the FXBVillage programme ensures that participants have the essentials ranging from livelihood, shelter, health, access to education and the children are in a safe protected environment. FXBIS seeks zero-tolerance to child labour at its intervention locations. Most of the FXBIS trained entrepreneurs are women with a thoughtful inclusion of those who have been widowed or abandoned.

FXBVillage Programmes in India

FXBIS has implemented FXBVillage programmes in remotest places of India's districts, with least access to digital world or exposure, to improve their way of life with dignity. Jaisalmer (Rajasthan), Visakhapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), Aizwal (Mizoram), West Imphal and East Imphal (Manipur), Medinipur and Dhapa-Dhipi (West Bengal), rural Puducherry and Villupuram (Tamil Nadu). The model has promoted ownership and socio-economic sustainability through income generating livelihood solutions, while retaining the vision and endeavour to integrate the most vulnerable and deprived into the community, for all to lead a life of dignity.

Field Stories:

A Day-out in FXBVillage, Manipur

Co-creating a Life of Dignity

Stories of Hope

FXBVillage Tool-kit and Planning Guide

In May 2015, the FXBVillage Tool-kit and Planning Guide was released. A detailed 200-page planning guide to the organization's FXBVillage model developed with the FXB Center for Health and Human Rights at Harvard University and endorsed by Sudhir Anand, development microeconomist and professor at Harvard University was also endorsed by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen. The model aims to help NGOs, governments, and philanthropies identify and simultaneously address the five drivers of poverty including health care, housing, education, nutrition, and sustainable business. https://fxb.org/app/uploads/2020/06/2015.05_FXB_Toolkit-and-Planning-guide.pdf