History & Founder

The story of FXB started in 1986, when Albina du Boisrouvray's only son François-Xavier, a rescue pilot, was killed in a tragic helicopter accident when he was just 24. This life-changing loss prompted Albina to walk away from a successful career as a film producer and dedicate her life to champion the cause of the millions of vulnerable women and children left in the wake of the devastating AIDS pandemic. In 1989, Albina gave away most of what she had to found the FXB Foundation and FXB International. in honor of François-Xavier to perpetuate the values of generosity and compassion that had guided his life, and to keep his mission alive by also seeking to rescue people – some of the poorest on the earth.

As the country chapter of the Geneva-based NGO (FXBI), FXB's activities in India date back to 1991. In 2007, FXB India Suraksha was established as an autonomous Indian entity registered under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013.